Rewire Community continues to work to create equitable and compassionate communities, free of gender-based violence. We are committed to keep building on our relief programs to support survivors of violence through these intervention and outreach initiatives.

 Step Forward: Survivor Empowerment Fund

Through our Step Forward fund, we provide survivors and their families a one-time $450 assistance, working closely with their case managers in domestic violence and sexual assault prevention agencies across the Bay Area. Through this flexible, easily accessible assistance, we cover critical needs that may help survivors move 'a step forward'. These include utilities, driver licenses, vocational licenses, essentials, shelter/motel and other services such as therapy and legal fee.

“It's not only the concrete difference the financial help makes. It's also the feeling of being seen and recognized and cared about. That is huge for them.”- Domestic Violence Prevention Advocate



It is every child’s right to be celebrated and treasured, and feel valued in the world they are born into. “Wish-on-a-Cake” are monthly cake-kits, and our heartfelt effort to bring this nurture and connection to our precious children. Through these cake-kits, we provide parents and caregivers in vulnerable communities, items to bake a special cake for their children on their birthday. We extend this support to domestic violence and sexual assault agencies across the Bay Area.

Survivor Relief Care-Kits

With our monthly Survivor Relief Care Kits, we provide women and children with basic essentials for survivor welfare, supporting domestic violence and sexual assault survivors and homeless prenatal populations with items that give temporary and immediate relief to those in emergency situations. Here are the list of items needed per kit. These can be dropped off or shipped to one of these locations- Dublin: 7877 Firebrand Drive; San Ramon: 1925 Barossa Dr. Since Aug 2020, 1,550+ kits have been delivered.

Programs Closed

Mahalakshmi Winter Safe Nights (Dec 2021 - Feb 2022)

With the winter months falling much more harshly on victims of violence, the Mahalakshmi Winter Shelter Fund offered a one-time assistance of $450 to survivors of domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA) to cover emergency safe nights, hot meals and/or emergency transportation. We recognize that survivors in Contra Costa South County are currently underserved and were honored to collaborate with Contra Costa Family Justice Center & STAND! For Families Free of Violence, to bring this assistance, especially to the cities of Danville, San Ramon, Diablo and Alamo. Rewire Community ran this program from Dec 2021 to Feb 2022, supporting 14 survivors and families with safe nights.

COVID-19 Survivor Relief Fund (Apr-Dec 2020)

With shelter-in-place starting in March, Rewire Community pivoted our work and identified ways to continue serving our communities, starting the COVID-19 Survivor Relief Fund. Through this fund, we provided 8-weeks of support to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault with weekly $50 gift cards.

Being one of the first agencies to respond to the needs of survivors and provide aid, thanks to generous donors and supporters, Rewire Community ran our COVID Relief Fund from April- December 2020, disbursing a total $36K in funds, supporting 91 survivors and their families. A total of 705 gift cards were given through 11 agencies across the Bay Area!

We are committed to continue responding to the crisis and look to assist survivors and have plans for next year that we hope to share soon. There is much work to be done. We will keep trying and marching on and raising a voice for those are yet to speak!